Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gun Control Research Paper

Guns In The United States In today’s society of political turmoil, violence, and economic tragedies, many gun control advocates are pushing for more gun regulations from the government. Guns have been a part of America’s way of life for centuries. However, it was not until the 20th century that the government enacted it’s first gun control act. The National Firearms Act was enacted in 1934, as stated in â€Å"Firearm Laws, Regulations, and Ordinances,† edited by Sandra Alters, in response to the increased criminal and gangster activity as a result of prohibition (19).This act aimed to make it more difficult to acquire specific firearms by establishing a $200 tax on firearms (Alters, ed. 19). In 1968, the Gun Control Act was passed and amended the National Firearms Act of 1934 to include a wider range of firearms. This act was passed in the wake of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The act required firearm dealers to be federally licensed, restricted interstate sales of firearms, and forbid the sale of firearms to minors or criminals (Alters, ed. 19).The passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968 was criticized, however. The main criticism involving the Gun Control Act of 1968 was that the act penalized law-abiding citizens and rewarded criminals (Alters, ed. 20). In 1986, the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act greatly amended the Gun Control Act of 1968 in an attempt to address the various criticisms and concerns linked to the act. There have been various gun control regulations enacted since 1986; however, the enactment of the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act is one of the largest regulations ever put into place.Much of the controversy over gun control laws now and then involves the second amendment to the constitution. Today, lawmakers face much pressure from gun control advocates, as well as anti-gun control advocates regarding gun laws. However, putting more regulations on guns is no t going to change the way that people use them, which many gun control advocates believe to be true. There should be no further government gun control in America because additional gun control will not lower violence and it is not financially feasible to enforce additional gun control laws.The most significant federal gun control act today is the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, as discussed in James Jacobs and Kimberly Potter’s article â€Å"Keeping guns out of the ‘wrong' hands: the Brady law and the limits of regulation. † This act requires federal firearm licensees to run background checks on gun sale purchases, and also created a federal database for federal firearm licensee’s access to The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (Jacobs and Potter). A 5-day waiting period for the purchase of a gun was also introduced.The National Instant Criminal Background Check System is to provide access to names of those persons not allowe d to purchase a gun (Jacobs and Potter). The aim of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was to prevent criminals, or ineligible persons from purchasing guns. The Brady Act expanded the definition of an ineligible person to include: illegal drug users and addicts, former mental patients, illegal aliens and persons dishonorably discharged from the armed forces (James and Potter). This act, along with the other regulations discussed, form the current federal gun control laws.One central view of gun control advocates in support of additional gun control is the belief that banning guns would lower violence in America. Stephen E. Wright, writer of â€Å"From the Bluff,† claims that the main focus of anti-gun groups is on gun ownership (par. 2). Anti-gun groups claim that if citizens did not own guns, fewer crimes would be committed. Although taking away guns appears to be a good plan to reduce crime, it is not a realistic one. Banning gun ownership could have an effect simila r to the Prohibition Act of 1920.In 1920, the American government put a ban on all alcohol in the United States. One of the central ideas behind the Prohibition Act was to create a safer America for its citizens. The Prohibition Act did not make for a safer America; however, the effect of the Prohibition act was the development of widespread organized crime, resulting in a increase in the number of criminals. Jeff Hill, writer of â€Å"Defining Moment Prohibition,† explains, widespread disregard for the prohibition act resulted in corruption of government officials, police forces and law enforcement (75).Government statistics show that crime actually rose during the prohibition years, contrary to what the government believed would occur (Hill, 76). The banning of guns could have the same effect as the Prohibition of alcohol. Prohibiting guns could create more widespread organized crime and an increased number of criminals, as it would be a criminal act to purchase or own a gu n. While the idea that fewer guns would lead to less violence in America seems reasonable, when the effects of the Prohibition Act of 1920 are considered, it is seen that the prohibition of guns may have very negative consequences.Another common belief of gun control advocates is that increased purchasing regulations will help prevent gun violence. The general current regulation system for purchasing guns consists of a simple background check, usually on the first purchase of a gun, with a 5-day waiting period. In the Opposing Viewpoint article â€Å"An updated Background Check System Will Help Prevent Gun Violence,† the editor explains that the current background check system needs to be fixed (par. 11). The various loopholes in the current background system are a main focus of the gun control advocates.To fix the various loopholes, gun control advocates believe the government should gather everyone’s name that should be prohibited from buying a gun and put him or her in the system for tracking and they should require a background check for every single gun sale, not just on the first purchase (An Updated Background). The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act fixed these issues presented through the National Instant Criminal Background System Check (Jacobs and Potter). Gun control advocates viewed the Brady Act as a positive step towards lowering violence in America.However, the act has not reduced gun violence like gun control advocates believed would occur. The view that the Brady Act was a simple solution to the gun violence problem is not only false, but also creates great expense for the government. The problem related to gun violence is not the current background check system; instead the problem lies in the use of illegal guns. Amy Roberts, writer of By the Numbers: Guns in America, explains that each year an estimated 40 percent of all guns purchased in America are through unlicensed, private sellers (Roberts).Thousands of gun shows are held each year in America; it is at these gun shows where thousands of guns are bought and sold illegally each year. Most gun vendors at these shows do not require any background check. Many gun control advocates feel that many of the murders and shootings in America would not have happened if a background check was ran on the individual purchasing the gun. When a gun is bought illegally, there is no background check. The seller has no way of knowing if the buyer is a criminal. An example of the violence related to the use of illegal guns is he Columbine High School shooting in Colorado. The Columbine killers were able to purchase guns illegally at a gun show from an unlicensed seller, who required no personal information before selling the guns (An Updated Background). This example shows how easily one can obtain a gun illegally; no increased purchasing regulation would have stopped the Columbine killers from purchasing guns. Increasing purchasing regulations will not stop a crimin al from getting a gun. Obtaining a gun illegally is so easy that a criminal wouldn’t even think to go through a registered firearms dealer.Gun control advocates’ views on gun control laws and the prevention of violence only lead to increased spending by the federal government. The federal deficit today is around 16 trillion dollars and growing. The view of the Brady Act as a simple solution to the gun violence problem has been proven not to be true, as mentioned earlier. The Brady Act presents various loopholes through which greater enforcement could prevent. One loophole presented by the Brady Act is the federal licensing system (Jacobs and Potter). Practically anyone can become federally licensed by paying a small fee and submitting required information.There is also no way to determine if an applicant has lied upon submission of their information for federal licensing. Inspections are rarely conducted upon the federal firearm licensees to ensure cooperation regardin g the Brady Act (Jacobs and Potter). The federal government could increase regulation regarding the federal licensing system to ensure proper Brady Act enforcement, but this requires increased spending. Greater information requirements and increased inspections would require increased data processing and hiring of federal inspectors, both requiring greater spending.The introduction of new gun control acts would require even greater spending than required through greater enforcement of the Brady Act, which is already in place. The recession has placed an enormous strain on federal funds. Increased enforcement of gun regulations is not seen as the greatest need at this time for government spending. There should be no further government gun control in America because additional gun control will not lower violence and it is not financially feasible to enforce additional gun control laws.The main arguments in support of additional gun control are: banning guns would lower violence and in creased purchase regulations would help prevent gun violence; however, these arguments are insufficient. There are potentially negative effects regarding the banning of guns, compared to the Prohibition era. Also, the increased purchasing regulations do not fix the problem of violence related to gun control because of the illegal or â€Å"black† gun market. Greater enforcement of the increased purchasing regulations could curb the use of current loopholes.However, greater enforcement leads to greater spending by the federal government. Greater enforcement also does not deal with the â€Å"black† market for guns. In the current state of the economy it is important that the government focus on decreased spending or spending to pull the United States out of the recession. Focusing on increased gun control is not of any benefit to the economy. Increased government spending through greater enforcement of increased gun control laws is not necessary to lower violence, instead focus should be shifted to alternative ways for reducing violence in the United States.By focusing on informing people on gun safety and gun laws, a new path may be made for the younger generation. Works Cited â€Å"An Updated Background Check System Will Help Prevent Gun Violence. †Ã‚  Guns and Crime. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"A Plan to Prevent Future Tragedies. †Ã‚  MayorsAgainstIllegalGuns. org. 2011. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Firearm Laws, Regulations, and Ordinances. †Ã‚  Gun Control:  Restricting Rights or Protecting People?. Sandra M. Alters. 2009 ed.Detroit: Gale, 2009. 19-39. Information Plus Reference Series. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. Hill, Jeff. Defining Moment Prohibiton. Detroit MI: Omnigraphics, n. d. Print. Jacobs, James B. , and Kimberly A. Potter. â€Å"Keeping guns out of the ‘wrong' hands: the Brady law and the limits o f regulation. †Ã‚  Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology  Fall 1995: 93-120. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Kates, Don B. , Jr. â€Å"GUN CONTROL: A REALISTIC ASSESSMENT. †Ã‚  Gun Control: A Realistic Assessment. N. p. , 1990. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. lt;http://www. catb. org/esr/guns/gun-control. html>. Roberts, Amy. â€Å"By the Numbers: Guns in America – CNN. com. †Ã‚  CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. . Wright, Stephen E. â€Å"Gun Control Laws Will Not Save Lives. †Ã‚  Guns and Crime. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Anti-Gun Group Common Sense Gun Laws and Real Common Sense. † StephenE Wright. com. 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 1 Nov. 2012

“A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution” by Carol Berkin

In the book â€Å"A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution† by Carol Berkin she explains the constitution from start to finish from how it all began, to the debates inside the convention and finally the end product. Berkin takes the reader and puts him directly in the middle of the convention of 1786; throughout the book you can feel the excitement, the frustration, the tensions between delegates and the overall commitment to making a new government work for all. The time for a new government came about in times of fear, many men such as William Livingston wondered â€Å"if the republic could even survive another decade† for Henry Knox made an excellent point in declaring â€Å"Our present federal government is a name, a shadow, without power, or effect†. Meantime the relationship between the states was poor and there was an uncertainty if they would even remain united what with the debts, the economic turmoil, and the slow realization that without England they had no protection from the outside world. The question on everyone’s mind was, is there anything that can be done to save their country? 55 delegates gathered in hopes of answering this question with a brilliant solution of their own. The Delegates that gathered in Philadelphia were among the most respected men of their time. They ranged from lawyers to politicians, from the aged Benjamin Franklin to the young Jonathon Dayton, and you’d find that all of these men were of blue blood wealth or the few who as Berkin put were the minority that â€Å"Had risen from obscurity to wealth by virtue of some combination of talent, luck, and well-made marriages. Nobody present would ever be considered just a common man, and for some such as Thomas Jefferson, they would see these men as â€Å"Demi-gods† instead of the regular, flawed, yet brilliant men that they were. It was during this convention that the Virginia Plan was proposed by Edmund Randolph, which was the proposal to write a new constitution instead of re vising the Articles of Confederation like intended. After many debates between the larger and smaller states on being fairly represented and even more adjustments and altering towards the plan itself, the convention created the Senate which was a body of wise men that was made up of two men rom each state. This worked out to satisfaction of the smaller states and for the larger states they were given a House of Representatives that would consist of a larger body of representatives for each state in proportion to the amount of the people in that state. During the Convention there were many controversies between these men, some were focused on not wanting to upset their constituents back in their home states, and the smaller states were constantly trying to protect themselves from the influence of the larger states, while the southern states feared that a national government would upset the slave trade. However, many of the delegates shared a bigger fear throughout the convention, which was putting too much power into a central government and the fear that the senate and House of Representatives would have too much power. George Mason, an initial advocate of a strong central government withdrew his support and refused to sign the finished Constitution, claiming that the new government would â€Å"produce a monarchy, or a corrupt, tyrannical aristocracy† so for the sake of trying to find a balance, the idea of giving the chief executive the power of veto over legislation was proposed. Along with this power a check was needed, so the idea that a three quarters vote from congress could over rule a President’s veto was adopted. How to elect a President was the cause for some of the longest and grueling debates in the convention, the question of who to trust too choose the president was heavy on all their minds. The delegates knew that it couldn’t be left to the legislative power to choose and Gouverneur Morris even declared â€Å"it would be like the election of a pope by a conclave of cardinals†. To leave the choice to the people alone left the certainty that the people would be led and lied to by â€Å"a few active and designing men† as Charles Pinckney put it. Lost and befuddled on what to do, the convention turned the matter over to the Committee of Postponed Matters where after weeks of debate of their own, they came up with something that we know today as the Electoral College. The States were able to elect an amount of electors equal to the number of representatives in the house and senate. These electors were to meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for two people to represent their state. From here their votes would be delivered signed, certified and in a sealed envelope, to Congress, where the results were to be counted in front of congressmen and senators. In the event of a tie, members of the House of Representatives would select which would be the president. It was through this process that our first President, who set the precedent for all presidents to come, was elected. Even when the Constitution had been drawn up and was ready for ratification by the states, which wouldn’t happen for another year after many political battles between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, the Delegates realized that though this document would suffice for now, they couldn’t escape the indefinite future, so they included in the constitution a capacity for change which was designed so that later down the road when times had changed and change was needed, it could be incorporated into the constitution as amendments. In closing, Carol Berkin did an excellent job of portraying the struggles and concerns that went on in that Philadelphia Independence Hall, the framers fought through frustration, pressure, and with each other. They knew what had to be done, and though some did not remain throughout the convention, we owe our law of the land to the determination of these 55 men.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Reactive Policing Essay

Reactive patrol is police responding to specific requests from individuals or groups in a community that provides â€Å"immediate† response to calls. Reactive patrol provides help to ensure that calls are responded to in an efficient and timely manner. Reactive patrol also involves the follow-up investigations required to get additional information to prosecute or otherwise help with assistance of the community. Reactive patrol is different from proactive control in the sense that reactive patrol is employed when a crime is or has already been committed and/or reported. Proactive policing is based on the concept of preventing crime, and making an appearance in the community to ensure they know there is assistance there for their own protection and safety. Proactive policing also provides a sort of deterrent for potential crimes and criminals due to the fact they know there is law enforcement active and interested in what is going on in the community. If police agencies only adopted one or the other, proactive, or reactive policing, the law enforcement system would become unbalanced. If proactive policing is the only type being employed, preventative measures might go so far that they begin to infringe on individual rights. If only reactive policing were used, there would be a rise in crime, because people would know there would only be a chance of them getting caught after the act had already been committed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How is subjectivity (race, class & gender) constructed and put to use Essay

How is subjectivity (race, class & gender) constructed and put to use through Fiesta Explain using specific examples from Horton as well as Gathering Up - Essay Example Subjectivity is a social mode that comes about through many interactions within society. It is a process of individualization as well as of socialization as the individual is never isolated; rather they are endlessly engaging in interactions with the world. It is shaped by and shapes other things such as the economy and even communities. A common effect on an individual is whereby they experience culture shock, where subjectivity of the other culture is considered alien or hostile. Because society is based on group interactions, common meanings allow for common frames that they can refer to when communicating a given subject (Horton, 2010). They are derived from each person understanding their subjective experiences and providing many aspects of meaning. Since 1712, the residents of Santa Fe have remembered how they were ousted in the Pueblo Revolt but managed to make their way back. The settlers reestablished themselves and went back to their roots. Today, La Fiesta de Santa Fe is considered one of the oldest celebrations in the nation. Its roots date back to when a general negotiated with the Indians who occupied Santa Fe to allow Spanish settlers to return. He, being a religious man prayed by a small statute of Virgin Mary and promised that if the settlers were allowed back, they would never forget her intercession. For a while, the promise was not kept up until a Lieutenant Governor intervened. The Santa Fe Fiesta, Reinvented gives a new perspective to the controversial identity formation of the Mexico’s Hispanos. The book carefully gives attention to the symbolic action of the event and explores gender, time, genealogy and sexuality which are the basis of the cultural nationalism. As the Hispanos were largely minoritized in the Santa Fe, their elites continued to invent and re-create the foru cultural organizations that

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Miranda v. Arizona Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Miranda v. Arizona - Thesis Example Though Miranda had not been read his rights, it is believed that his conviction should have remained against him. The enforcement of the reading of a person’s rights was not done until after the case against Miranda. Miranda may have been denied his rights at the time, but this allowed it to be made known that police officers were clearly not doing their job. It brought to light that there needed to be enforcement when reading the rights to criminals to avoid similar situations in the future. As such, Miranda’s case should have been upheld, given the fact that there had been circumstantial evidence and his confession, albeit obtained inappropriately, to still convict him (Allen, 2007). The rights are important to the criminal, but there is still the fact that there was enough evidence present to continue the case. Furthermore, Miranda had already admitted his guilt to the crimes that he was being convicted of. If his rights had been read to him when they should have bee n, and Miranda had exercised his right to an attorney before confessing anything to the police, the case would have gone on in a normal fashion.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Melinder Recycling Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Melinder Recycling Company - Essay Example If this statement is true, then at the beginning of the relationship, the expected standards should be set and communicated to the employee by the manager. In Milinder's situation some of the managers may be lacking in their communication skills and therefore may not be communicating the job requirements and expectations at the initial hiring of the candidate. One solution to the lack of experience by the managers is an intense and ongoing training program. The managers need further training in how to communicate their expectations to the new hires.. Milinder's managers need training in communication but also in the hiring process. "When it is difficult to recruit candidates and there is pressure to fill a job quickly, managers often lower their job qualifications and assume a high risk by hiring marginal candidates." (Roseman, 1981, pg 79). It was nice that you established the fact that some of the managers had been promoted from within and that the ensuing poor leadership was one of the primary reasons why the company was experiencing high turnover. You even touched on a solution.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cross-Cultural Business Expansion Management Essay

Cross-Cultural Business Expansion Management - Essay Example The two countries where we can expand our business have been identified as China and Canada. Canada has certain similarities to America in terms of the legal, cultural and economic environment but the systems in China are significantly different (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1998). However, an understanding of both is important for us if we are to make our international venture a successful one for all concerned parties. Being our old ally and neighbor, Canada is particularly important for America as a trade and resource partner and there are quite a few similarities in terms of culture, laws, the environment and business processes which connect the two countries. In terms of size, it is the worlds second-biggest country with regard to governed area and it stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The country was founded like America as a set of British colonies but it gained full independence from the UK in a peaceful process (Statistics Canada, 2007). Systemically, unlike America, Canada is a federal constitutional monarchy which is ruled by the Queen of England but it also has a parliamentary system of democracy. Culturally, Canada is a bilingual country since a significant population speaks French therefore both French and English are official languages (Statistics Canada, 2007). The levels of diversity in Canada are much higher than in America since a significant population segment is made up of immigrants to the country. In terms of doing business, it might be useful for us to have a French speaker or two if we really want our products to sell in the French-speaking regions of the country. However, the advantage of doing business in Canada comes from its technological base and high standard of living.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

English Peasant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English Peasant - Essay Example Several of our small commune have recently died as a result of this corruption. Without a good clean source of water, we are slowly being poisoned to death with the water that we must drink, wash with, and clean.1 Another problem that we are facing has to do with our food. Although it is the peasants that are responsible for toiling endlessly in the soil and making sure that the nobles receive their harvests, the amount of food that we are allowed to keep has been decreasing each and every year it seems. Although I do not say that this is the result of greed, it makes it impossible for us to live and raise our children on ever decreasing rations that are afforded to us.2 And then in addition to all of this, there is the issue of tax. Because the nobles have recently increased the taxes that we must pay, the amount of resources that we have to draw upon is even further reduced. We find ourselves struggling each and every day to survive to the next. This is not how God would want us to live. This is not right. We face innumerable hardships and it seems as if our suffering goes unanswered. Another issue that I am hesitant to discuss is the issue of repression. Because we have faced such horrible times recently, the nobles have become increasingly fearful that an armed insurrection may take place and could oust them from power over us.3 I have no thus far heard of any such plans within our midst; however, the insecurity of the nobles is creating rumors where none before existed.4 This is dangerous for both of us as it makes the nobles further paranoid and distrustful and it encourages the young men within our community to consider what an insurrection might be able to do for their plight in life. Because of these hardships and the inability to continue living and thriving under these circumstances, I have turned to you Bishop Autrimont; in the hopes that the Almighty might provide you with the ability to aid us in our

Saturday, August 24, 2019

How Social Styles Affect Assertive Behaviors Research Paper

How Social Styles Affect Assertive Behaviors - Research Paper Example Personal development takes many forms, from improving personal performance, to changing emotional states in particular situations such as public speaking, interviews and presentations. Even after working for weeks, preparing the presentation to the best of one ’s ability, ignoring the nerves building up he doesn’t get the response he desires for. For one reason or another, his brain has learnt to provide him with the wrong unconscious response when he speaks in public. Instead of appropriate levels of adrenalin and excitement to optimize his performance, he gets a fear response as if he is being attacked by a wild animal. Everything in his body and mind is saying "run away!† But he can't, he has to ignore his 'fight or flight' response and stay put and what's more, he has to sound eloquent and informed at the same time. Public Speaking demands lots of experience and knowledge. One needs to get rid of the Public Speaking fear that could only happen when one enjoys speaking in public and giving presentations. Personal Growth plays an important role in Personal Development. All of nature from the acorn that becomes the Great Oak to the microscopic cell that becomes a Sperm whale experiences personal growth. What makes humans different is that we are in the unique position of being able to do it consciously. Personal growth means different things to different people. It may be that one is potentially infinitely perfect! However, he will be aware that there are areas of life where he would like to perform better. When we look around we will notice there are people who have particular skills, traits that we would like to absorb into our own character.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing Plan - Essay Example Using the case of Shangri-la hotel, this study will highlight the specific branding and brand positioning strategies used by this particular hotel company. In relation to the need to serve the price-sensitive customers a.k.a. the brand switchers, this study discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using a separate brand name. At the end of this study, the bsuiness benefits associated with the use of brand extension strategies were tackled in details. Shangri-la is one of the most well-established hotel brands worldwide. In 1971, the first Shangri-La hotel was built in Singapore (Shangri-La, 2013a). Eventually, the company decided to expand its business operation in other countries. Throughout the entire Asia Pacific region, Europe, North America and the Middle East, Shangri-La hotels and resorts own at least 72 five-star hotels under the brand name Shangri-La (Kuhm, 2011; Shangri-La, 2013b). With the use of brand extension, the company is using the brand name â€Å"Kerry† and â€Å"Traders† to serve the hotel needs of people who are more price conscious (Kuhm, 2011). Branding is more than just the use of a company name, logo, or a trademark (Kotler, 2000, p. 404). In response to the business success of Shangri-la Hotel as a brand, this report will focus on discussing and analyzing how this particular company was able to create competitive advantage with the use of effective branding strategies. As part of going through the main discussion, this report will first discuss the branding strategies used by Shangri-la Hotel and how this company was able to benefit from its branding strategies. Eventually, this report will tackle the significance of branding and brand positioning in the contemporary international tourism. Prior to conclusion, this report will identify and discuss potential problems or limitations which may have impede the business success of Shangri-la Hotel. Based on the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations Essay - 2

Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations - Essay Example It is also common that older people happen to be steadfast in their habits and have consistency in many things because of their firm beliefs and ideas. They are usually not flexible, and their temperaments are not adaptable for the changing situations and in most of the cases they are not creative (Merriam Webster, 2015). Financial burden on people is increasing continuously and women have to work with their male counterparts to earn a living. If women are not given their due share of jobs that are available in the market, if they are not given promotions in their organizations or if they are expelled on the basis of their gender; this sexism can give rise to a number of social and economic issues. The financial situation of country has much to do with the other fields and areas of the country. The whole social, cultural, industrial, technological, even religious and spiritual prospects of the collective community and personal lives of people get affected (Nauert, 2010). When females do not get jobs because they are women, they face many psychological issues. These issues may get aggravated with the passage of time alongwith the perceptions of women regarding the prevailing gender equality in society change. This may create a kind of psyche in which they consider themselves victimized and in turn they start feeling alienated and they start taking themselves in society whose self-esteem is not considered important and their sense of insecurity is developed. They may experience anxiety and undue pressure because of the society which regards males to be professionally strong in comparison to females. A male-dominant environment can get evolved which can have a profound impact on the society. The problems raised by such issues have exerted a profound impact on the society and feminist movements are a reflection of this fact.

Morris Luries Pride and Joy Essay Example for Free

Morris Luries Pride and Joy Essay Write about how one character from Morris Luries Pride and Joy is presented and how this character develops key concerns in the story. Billy in Morris Luries Pride and Joy is initially presented as a 16 year old boy who literally lives his life in the footsteps of his abusive, irresponsible, bohemian father, Ned Mathews. By the end of the story Billys character has undergone a transformation to become his own person; he has broken away from his father. This short story is told in first person narrative by an anonymous narrator. This narrator is a tourist on an island in the Great Barrier Reef who tells his account of his encounter with millionaire Ned Mathews and his son, Billy. Through his characterization of Billy, Morris Lurie conveys themes of self realization, responsibility, judgment, and parenting. This essay will show how Billys characterization develops Morris Luries themes. Wealth, ownership, control and his desire for his fathers approval shows how Lurie, through his characterization of Billy conveys his theme of lifestyle choices. Ever since Billy and his father come to the island they act like they own everything and everyone on it. When they go to eat breakfast in the morning, Billy deals with the very pretty waitress like she is a prostitute, Whats ya name, honey? he said Why? said the girl. I always like to know the names of the girls I sleep with. Luries use of a colloquial language and inappropriate language such as honey and sleep with during Billys dialogue with a waitress show his desire to control a situation and to please his father; Easy, son said Mathews, but his face was beaming with pride. Billys self-confident and commanding swagger, He [Billy] walked with an exaggerated swagger is an example of a movement which Lurie associates with Billy to show yet another aspect of his desire to dominate over everyone else in the restaurant. By exploring Billys inappropriate choice of lifestyle in great detail, Lurie expresses his theme, which is to take care when choosing your lifestyle. Billys desire to please his father and to control is reiterated by the motif of alcohol. Billy is too young to be drinking as much alcohol as he does, yet he does and he does it to please his father and to control by demonstrating that he is able to drink as much as his father. This is shown in the quotation, His son [Billy] matched him drink for drink. Luries use of the narrators voice is very significant here because the narrator is presented to readers as very moral and sensible, so when the narrator talks about a boy drinking as much as a man we worry. This concern is further addressed by the narrative voice in the line, I watched the boy. How long could he last? I thought. How long could he keep it up? and also when he thinks, Dont tell me Billy is outdrinking him. I thought. His own son. His own pride and joy. The pace is significantly sped up during these two quotations by the shorter more choppy sentences. This serves two purposes, first it makes the passage stand out from the rest of the paragraph and second it permits the narrator to clearly state his point. The repetition of I though in both quotations creates an effective link of the two quotations. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the meaning of the two quotes are linked and that the narrator is wondering if Ned Mathews own ride and joy, his son Billy is already better at living the life of a spoiled, rude man than Ned Mathews. This is ironic because Billy is just a boy, so of course the narrator wonders How long can he keep it up? Another example is, When are we going to have some real drinking, Dad? I thought you told me we was gonna have some real fun.' Billys arrogance and the awkwardness of having an adolescent talking about drinking with his father really shines through here. He is almost criticizing his father because he has not had any real drinking. Lurie employs dialogue and colloquial diction such as we was to make the conversation sound even more out of place. Luries selection of alcohol as a motif in the story is important because alcohol has negative connotations and is illegal for adolescents to buy. By associating Billy with alcohol Lurie is implying that the life he is living where alcohol is a daily part of his routine is not suiting. Through Billy, Lurie evokes a theme of self realization which results in Billys character development. The first time there is evidence of this change in character is when Billy meets the Princess and eventually when he started to cry after him and his father got into a fight over his fathers abuse of the Princess. The most blatant example of this change however comes from Billys request for tea as opposed to the routine coffee and beer, Not for me, said Billy, in a voice I had never heard him use before. A young boys voice. Can I have. a cup of tea?' In this quotation Lurie utilizes related diction such as Can which has connotations of manners and kindness. Even the narrator recognizes Billys character development because he states that Billy spoke in a young boys voice which is a voice he had not spoken in before. The narrator is referring to Billys transgression from a boy who acts like an indecorous adult to a boy who acts like a young boy. There is also more subtle evidence of Billys character development in the text. The adjectives and adverbs change to correspond with the two different aspects of Billys character. In the first part of the text adjective and adverbs such as bleary and cocky then in the second part of the short story Lurie uses a new selection of adjectives and adverbs such as, neat, polite and young. Luries ability to reveal Billy through three different viewpoints: his fathers, the narrators and Billys own view of himself gives different perspectives to his character which helps position the readers to the themes of the short story. The overwhelming amount of dialogue in this text between Billy and his father Ned Mathews shows Billy and his fathers view that everything revolves around them. They are the only voice, which is heard in the story through dialogue despite the fact that there are roughly 80 other people on the island. The movements and actions of Billy convey part of his character. Billys actions are often direct or closely linked to the actions of his father. This shows the way that Billy looks up to the actions of his father, and how his father will abuse that respect throughout the story. Directly after his father tells the bartender to get off his fat behind and give a bit of service Billy says, Yeah, shake it up there. This quotation creates a nice image of the typical clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ where a father says something and then his son repeats it. Except Billy is mimicking a very offensive and inappropriate thing that his father just said. This shows the reader how Ned Mathews is a inconsiderate role model and a poor parent. Through Billys actions Lurie also shows that Billy is not prepared to live the lifestyle of his father. The boy I noticed had to take a breath half way down. This quotations refers to the fact that Billy cannot drink all of the beer in one gulp when his father can as proof that his fathers life is not necessarily appropriate for him. This concern of Billy not being suited for his fathers life is restated by the narrator when he wonders, How long can he last? Through Billy, Lurie is able to express his themes and concerns in an interesting and realistic manner. The themes and concerns developed in Pride and Joy may appear to be very simple and obvious but that by no means makes them less important. Themes such as self realization, responsibility, judgment, and parenting are very significant in everyones lives.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Planning an Advertising Campaign

Planning an Advertising Campaign Paragraph One: Introduction Definition of an advertising Campaign According to, (2017) an advertising campaign is a coordinated series of advertisements that are linked by the same theme or concept. It may focus on a specific brand or service, or be directed by a specific target audience. It can last anywhere from a few weeks to even years. Paragraph Two: Research findings Target Audience-According to (n.d.) when planning an advertising campaign business will need to know when to advertise to their target audience which is likely to buy their products and services. Methods-According to (2016) the methods used to plan an advertising campaign involves seven (7) steps: 1. Research 2. Know the target audience 3. Set a budget 4.Decidibg on the proper theme 5. Selecting the media 6. Scheduling the media 7. Executing the campaign. According to (n.d.) establishing the campaign objective is essential for a successful advertising campaign. Campaign objectives should be: 1. Specific 2. Measurable 3. Achievable 4. Realistic and 5. Timing. Khadir (2012) States adverting reach can be conveyed as percentage of the total number of household within the established area that has been visible to the advertising message. According (n.d.) there are pre and post campaign evaluation, they are mainly aimed at identifying strengths, recalls and points for improvements in the pre and post phase. Jagopal (2012) expressed advertising is impacting everyone from five month old babies to growing children and adults, instantaneously. In todays society the media is making products and services more popular in short amount of time. Discussion: Plan the advertising campaign for the Airport that you are advising. (n.d) states that advertising campaigns are the sets of advertising messages which are alike in nature. The reason of an advertising campaign is to: Tell individuals about your product/service. Persuade people to buy the goods/service offered. Make your service or product accessible to the customers In advising Liverpool John Lennon Airport on how to plan a successful advertising campaign, there is a strategical format the advisor must follow. As an advisor, the first thing to consider is a market research. A market research is there to inform advisors and businesses about their target market, competitors, potential client, past clients etc. The next step is budget; you need to understand how much money it is going to cost and to be clear on how much is willing to spend (Bram, 2009). The next step is identifying the target customers that would be likely to buy the service or product that should launch. Another step is to find out which mediums would be best to advertise, whether newspaper, billboards, TV, magazines etc. As soon as the medium is selected then we can start designing and making the ad. The design must be creative and attractive, appealing to the audience. The next step is to place the ad, placing the ad happen Once you have a completed the ad, it is time to place i t with the ideal advertising medium. Last but not least, is to execute the campaign when the campaign finally launches the campaign must be evaluated to see what can be improved (, n.d.). Paragraph Four: Conclusion The process in planning the advertising campaign Advertising is regarded as the most important weapon in marketing. The advertising campaign process can be tedious, costly and time consuming depending on the method of advertisement that is used. However, the end result (buyer reception) is not always predictable or favorable. In planning the advertising campaign for Liverpool John Lennon Airport we had to consider the target audience in which the advertisement would be geared towards. In addition, a lot of research had to be done; we had to set a budget and decide on the advertising method that suits the budget. Next, we scheduled the media and execute the campaign. After the advertising campaign was completed, we did a post evaluation to identify any flaws, strength and also any future improvements in which we could implement. The campaign is deemed a success for the airport in assisting to accomplish their targeted goals. References, (n.d.). Campaign objectives | Planning a campaign | NSW Strategic Communications. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2016]. (2017). What is advertising campaign? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2017]. Jagopal, S. (2012). Impact of advertisement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2016]. Khadir, L. (2012). Reach, frequency impact. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2016]., (2016). Advertising Campaigns Meaning and its Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Dec. 2016]., (n.d.). Pre and Post Campaign Evaluation MultiFocus: a Market Intelligence company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2016]., (2016). Planning an advertising campaign | [online] Available at: advertising-campaign [Accessed 30 Dec. 2016]. Bram, T. (2009). The 8 Steps of an Advertising Campaign | SmallFuel Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2017]. (n.d). Advertising Campaigns Meaning and its Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2017]. (n.d.). Steps in Advertising Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2017].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tourism Market In Dubai Tourism Essay

Tourism Market In Dubai Tourism Essay Our mission is to provide tour plans for Business Tour, Normal Tours and UAE Company planning to send their employees for a trip, we hope to target tourist coming to Dubai for holidays as well as expatriates and locals living in Dubai. Our target market includes locals, tourist, working class, international visitors, corporate employees and newly married couples. We will design different packages to target our market segments based on demographic segmentation. We have segmented our market on the basis of Income Segmentation as described by Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2008). Tourism Market in Dubai: The present credit crunch has also affected Dubai tourist industry, and its been observed that people tend to cut vacations the most as it is a leisure item. Given the current credit crunch it is noted that tourist who tend to travel to Dubai for holidays fall in high end tourism, which is less likely to be affected by any sort of economic recession. Hence Arabian tours Income segmentation of the market will allow us to create packages for the high end tourist. (Economic Sectors, 2009) The economic sectors of Dubai in the form of a pie chart are shown in Figure 1. dubai-economy.png Figure Economic Sectors: Dubai Arabian tours will target business tours, especially corporate packages for companies planning to send their employees for a holiday. Hamilton, S. (2008) notes that the tourism industry accounts for 20% of Dubais GDP and notes that Dubai has also become a venue for international conferences, seminars, festivals, exhibitions both on regional and international level, attracting even more tourist to Dubai. Further explains that traditional Arab hospitality, delightful winter climate, sophisticated infrastructure and crime free environment are the factors which will keep attracting tourist to Dubai in the future. Dubai government is dedicated to make tourism the major market of Dubai, hence focusing on building tourism industry. There are more than 255 hotels in Dubai and still more are under-construction, which will attract tourist in Dubai and will expand the market for Arabian Tours in the future. (UAEs Consumer Market, 2011) According to the pie chart provided by department of touris m and commerce marketing, Dubai the following figure 2 shows the guests received by Dubai Hotel Establishment by Nationality in January to June, 2010. Guest Dubai.png Figure Guests Received by Dubai Hotel Establishment by Nationality (Jan-Jun 2010) The above graph shows that the geographic location of Dubai also creates the demand for Arabian tours in Dubai, attracting tourist from UK, EU, USA, India, Iran, China, Russia, GCC and Other Countries of the world. Dubai is also the economic hub of the Middle East and attracts expatriates of multinational companies, which is also the target market for Arabian tours and clearly explains the growth potential of tourism in Dubai and an opportunity for Arabian Tours. Competition: Arabian Tours face a fierce competition in the market as the government continues to spend in tourism, some of the competitors are: Arabian Horizons Tours Dubai Tourism Safari Tour Experts UAE Arabian Adventures Travel in Dubai Emir Tours Alpha Tours Tour Dubai Hormuz Tourism Dubai Desert Safari Arabian tours will have a continuously developing strategy to bench-mark all the competitors in the market to gain competitive advantage. We will offer tour packages for all high end as well as low end tourist. Customer Satisfaction will be the core of the services provided at Arabian Tours enabling us to differentiate our tour packages from our competitors. We will reach special negotiations with Burj Al Arab and other hotels and resorts to offer the best packages for the tourist. We will also offer luxury pickups from Dubai Airport in a Rolce Royce to differentiate our services from our competitors. A competitor analysis is the first step the firm takes to be able to predict the extent and nature of its rivalry with each competitor as stated by Hokisson, R.E., Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. Harrison, J.S. (2008). Arabian tours will conduct a thorough competitor analysis of all the marketing activities, promotions and tour packages offered by its competitors. A detailed industry analysis will be conducted to analyze all the new entrants, buyers, suppliers, competitors and substitutes as explained by Walker, G. (2004). Arabian Tours will conduct competitor analysis by assessing competitors objectives, strategies, strengths and weaknesses, and reaction patterns. Benchmarking will be at the core of Arabian Tours competitive strategy and the research team of Arabian Tours will always keep itself engaged in gathering information about competitors marketing mix, and also if the competitor is satisfied with their current marketing mix, and how the competitor might react to something launched by Arabian Tours. To assess the competitors strengths and weaknesses secondary data about the competitors will be collected, which will then be used to assess the competitors reactions. Arabian Tours will have an active research team engaged in marketing and competitor research. The findings of the research work will be used to develop competitive strength of Arabian Tours, as noted by Luther, W.M. (2011) competitive strength is one of the most important factors that determines whether you will enjoy profitability, and surprisingly, one that many entrepreneurs dont even take into account, further states that actually its the competition rather than the customer that determines your revenues, market share and profit. SWOT Analysis: Technology(Strength): Technology plays a vital role in todays world, Arabian Tours website will be launched providing the customers access to all the companies promotions and packages. Customers will be able to book a holiday tour by visiting the company website or by calling one of our representatives. Internet travelling is growing on a fast pace, our company website will be a complete tour solution for the entire tourist worldwide. We will use search engine optimization creating links of our websites on different websites attracting tourist globally to our website. Arabian Tours will have a robust CRM program in place to increase customer satisfaction. Social Media will also be used to spread the word about our company and the services offered, our holiday packages will be advertised using social media, print media and electronic media. We will also use billboards around the city to advertise the promotions and tour packages offered by Arabian Tour. Arabian Tours website will be visible in all the search engines, we will also post blogs, emails and eNewsletters to the target market. Socio-Political Environment: Since January, 2008 the world saw the worst financial crisis that has also affected Dubai tourist industry. Given the current financial crisis it is noted that tourist who tend to travel to Dubai for holidays fall in high end tourism, which is less likely to be affected by any sort of economic recession. Arabian Tours will have a special policy on identifying and eliminating human rights riska from its operations, and it is the primary responsibility of the enterprise to respect human rights in all of the companys practices. Corruption and bribery have a negative impact on any business, Dubai offers a crime and corruption free environment for all the businesses which will help us to fight any corrupt practices. Arabian tours will design internal mechanism to prevent, detect and remediate corrupt practices. Climate Change is one of the biggest risk faced by the world today, global water supplies are diminishing, while climate chane is one of the biggest risks of 21st century, it also presents opportunities for Arabian Tours to expand its business and come up with special holiday tours in Summers. Threats and Opportunities: Arabian Tours has to face a lot of competition by its competitors because Dubai is a tourist spot and more and more tourist companies are entering the market. This allows an easy entry of Arabian Tours in the tourism industry but at the same time Arabian Tours has to bench mark these competitors to gain competitive advantage. All our services will be customer oriented which provides us an opportunity to gain competitive advantage in the tourism industry of Dubai. Dubai government has policies to promote tourism which is an opportunity Arabian Tours can avail and enter the market without any restrictions. The whole world looks at Dubai as a holiday spot which attracts more tourists to Dubai every year, which is also an opportunity for Arabian Tours to attract international tourist. Objectives To become the industry leader in providing tour packages for Dubai. Providing tour packages to all people visiting Dubai as well as expatriates and locals living in Dubai. To become the leader in providing luxurious tour packages. Setting industry standards for tours in Dubai. Providing Customer driven preferences for tour planning. Strategies To become the industry leader we will advertise to masses as well as target market the niche market of tourism which are the high end tourist. We will acquire luxurious vehicles, helicopters and Cessna planes to become the luxurious tour provider. We will provide our customers with an experience which they wont forget and give them something to remember and take memories back with them when they leave Dubai. Our international correspondence office will be open 24hours providing information on our tour packages and all the luxurious options which tourist could add to their tour. ACTION PLAN/MARKETING MIX PRODUCT: We have planned to offer the following services: Desert Safari Morning Desert Safari Evening Desert Safari Overnight Dubai Desert Safari Desert Safari by Hummer (Luxurious Tour) Hatta Mountain Safari Cruise Packages Cruise and Fish in The Gulf (Dolphin and Seals Show) Cruise and Dine Dubai Wild Wadi Tour Big Bus Dubai Tour Tour all the shopping malls and famous tourist spots in Dubai Fly over Dubai Helicopter tour of Dubai (sight seeing Dubai) Cessna Plane tour of Dubai (Sight seeing Dubai) Tour Packages for newly married couples Romantic Cruise Honey Moon package with a stay at Burj Al Arab and reception on helicopter from Dubai airport Business Tour Site Seeing Dubai in a Helicopter Cessna fly over Dubai Corporate Packages Holiday package for company employees (international/national) PRICE: Our tour packages are focused to provide luxury tour to our customers while offering competitive prices. PROMOTION PLAN We will be using following promotion methods: Print Media Electronic Media Billboards Steamers Social Media Online Website To compete in the market we will also use both above the line and below the line marketing strategies. Social Media advertisement will be used to reach all the target markets to reach all the people visiting to Dubai and expatriates as well as locals living in Dubai. PLACEMENT/DISTRIBUTION METHODS We will have our Head office on sheikh zayed road with branches in famous spots of Dubai, i.e. Airport, Deira, Bur Dubai (One Head Office and Three Branches). Our customers will be able to contact us online as well and the website will provide all the information on the available tours and customers will be able to book a tour from anywhere in the world. Our sales team will be given customer oriented training, enabling them to provide customer satisfaction to the tourist. Staff training will include: Sales Team Training Management Trainee Program Selling at the airport sales training SALES PROJECTIONS FOR FIVE YEARS: The following table shows the sales projection for Arabian Tours for 5 years, (Dubai Tourism appeal up, 2012) reports that, Dubai ranks among the top 10 tourist destinations worldwide and the emirate is expected to attract 8.8million international visitors in 2012 with spending estimated at around 8.8 billion, index released by global credit card company MasterCard. Table Arabian Tours 5 years Sales Projections SALES PROJECTIONS FOR FIVE YEARS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Optimistic 50K 60K 70K 80K 90K Pessimistic 30K 40K 50K 60K 70K Realistic 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K Table one shows the five year sales projection for Arabian Tours, serving bench mark 1000 tourist a week.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Water Shortage in the Middle East Essay -- Environmental Science Ecolo

Water is the main source of life on the Earth. It is vital for normal existence and functioning of organisms. Earth is sometimes called â€Å"water planet.† But, in fact, the number of freshwater is limited. â€Å"Only about 2 percent of the planet's water is fresh.† (How much water is there on Earth?) This water is not enough even to meet daily needs of mankind. According to World Health Organization, â€Å"a lack of water to meet daily needs is a reality today for one in three people around the world.† (2009) In the Middle East the situation is especially hard. This region is thought to be one of the droughtiest places in the world, most of it’s territory is deserted. Freshwater accounts to 1 percent of the world’s supplies, while the population comes to 5 percent. (Baroudy 2005, 15) And this problem seems to become worse day after day. From the middle of the XX century demand on freshwater has increased three times. And this statistics will continue to grow with population rise and industrial development. Water scarcity is a huge problem, because it may have a number of economical, social and political consequences. Bad harvest and famine are one of them (Brown 2008, 16). Also lack of water for elementary daily needs will lead to insanitariness. This will increase risk of spreading such diseases as typhoid, cholera and dysentery (10 facts about water scarcity 2009). Also disastrous water shortage in the Middle East may change existent struggle into regional conflict. It is evident that this problem needs to be immediately solved. There are few possible solutions and some of them are already applied by this time. All of them have some advantages and disadvantages. The target of humanity is to find the best one. Firstly, one possible solut... ...ana/ (accessed November 20, 2010) Brown, D. 2007. Few alternatives in the Middle East. The Times. 13 April, 22. Newspaper Source. (accessed November 20, 2010) Brown, L.R. 2008. Draining our future: The growing shortage of freshwater. The Futurist 42 (3): 16-22. Academic Search Premier. (accessed November 20, 2010) Conway, M. 2008. The desalination solution. The Futurist (42) 3: 23-24. Academic Search Premier. . (accessed November 20, 2010) Davidson, S. 2005. Making water – hold the salt. ECOS (124): 23-36. Academic Search Premier. (accessed November 20, 2010) How much water is there on Earth? n.d. (accessed November 20, 2010) Middle East Water Shortage. n.d.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Place Strategy for Dairy Farmers Milk :: Business Management Studies

Place Strategy for Dairy Farmers Milk Current situation I do the research in Woolworths supermarket of the maquarie shopping center. When I enter into the supermarket, The first products I saw are the fresh vegetable and fruits, such as banana, strawberry, apple, etc. on the left is the fresh bread aisle, and there is a single aisle which provide the valued produces. Walk along the bread shelves, then I see the deli which sale lunchmeat, bacon and the like. When you turn right, you can see the frozen area, customers can choose refrigerated items here, and White milk fridge is on the left end, just near the deli. In Woolworths Home Brand is placed in the left, Pura is in the middle of the fridge, and they provide full cream milk, skim milk, and Lite milk, In the right section is Dairy Farmers, And they only provide Dairy Farmers Best, 1 liter, 2 liter, and Lite White, 2litre, That means a range of limited pack sizes and categories for consumes to choose. The fridge is divided into 4 shelves, on the top is the Skim Milk with small pack size, the second is displaced with 1lt milk, the third is 2lt milk, and the bottom is the 3lts. Opposite the frozen area there are 12 aisles displace products from food to shampoo, and even garden care. Competition Direct competition ================== Since the Home Brand and ‘Woolworths’ is the Woolworths own-brands, supermarkets are all considering rationalizing the name brands they stock and supporting their own house brand, they put their products on the most eye-catching place to attract customers’ attention, and provide a range of pack size for customers, While dairy farmers products are less obvious, and they do not provide 3lt pack size on the bottom shelf. There are just 1lt and 2lt milk on the first and second level in the right fridge, Woolworths only stock my competitions’ products, the reason is obvious: they can make more money from that product than they would from a big manufacturer. The direct competitor of Woolworths is Franline, this supermarket is also located on level 3, and it’s near the parking place, So it’s more convenient for customer who drive a car for shopping. Indirect competition ==================== Opposite the White milk fridge is the flavored milk aisle, juice and tea aisle, etc. shoppers have multiple choices when they feel thirsty. There is a food court on level 3, and more than 15 caf © shops are located in this shopping center, since some customers of the shopping center are students and staff of nearby office towers, when they find some drinks, they can choose many items besides milk.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Increasing demand on the UK’s construction industry

Britain's construction activities have risen considerably over the last decade and according to industry forecasts, the next five years will see more large projects commencing and highlighting once again the need for skilled labour in the UK. The government already has many construction plans underway which all lead to an 11% predicted increase (Olympic shortfall 18/11/07) in construction output between now and 2011. Some of the major projects that contribute to the rising demands include a surge in schools construction, increased spending on transport and projects for the London Olympics. The government has invested in a reported à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4.7bn (Financial Times Limited 2007 17/11/07) to rebiuld or renew every secondary school in the country. This is a massive project and dwarfs the construction of the London olympics in comparison. ConstructionSkills is one of a series of employer-led sector skills bodies established by government to help produce enough skilled workers to meet the high demand. ConstructionSkills says that employment in the industry will need to rise by almost a sixth to 2.8m by 2011, compared with 2.4m in 2005 and 87,600 new recruits will be needed by the industry â€Å"each year between 2007 and 2011 in order to meet demand†.(ConstructionSkills 2007) Infrustructure activity is also increasing with construction underway for the redevelopment of King's Cross and Crossrail and the expansion and refurbishment of the Birmingham New Street and Nottingham railway stations. Other infrastructure developments include work on the Manchester Metro Link, the M6 toll road, the M25. Also the Scottish Executive's (Financial Times Limited 2007 17/11/07) planned à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3bn capital investment programme in strategic road and rail projects and expansion of ports at Harwich, Felixstowe and Great Yarmouth. Aside from all these major developments, there is still as high demand as ever for more residential housing. It is reported (UK home supply way below demand 17/11/07) that Britain is now so short of new houses that an extra 39,000 need to be built each year just to keep up with the UK's population growth. The huge shortage of skilled labour in the UK is undoubtedly a major factor and could undermine the success of the 2012 Olympics in London. Reports made through the Research by the sector skills councils has revealed the Olympics needs around 13,000 construction workers and 1,500 electricians and plumbers a year between now and 2012 (Olympic shortfall 18/11/07). The new Heathrow terminal 5 is another project that highlights the severe skills shortage in the construction sector. The new T5 is estimated to cost à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4bn and is one of Europe's biggest projects at the moment. Terminal 5 will have roads and rail links built for it and will have over a hundred aircraft stands as well as the tallest control tower in the country. All these projects are desperately in need of skilled labour and huge investments are being made by the government and big companies to provide training schemes for people to help overcome these demands. The construction of the Heathrow terminal 5 has influenced BAA, the company that manages Heathrow to collaborate with the learning and Skills Council (LSC) to set up the Heathrow Construction Centre to train young people in carpentry, joinery and bricklaying. Many young people are now applying to the training centre with the influence of high salary opportunities being advertised for a wide range of jobs. David Boyer, a representative of LSC says â€Å"the key is finding something that they want to do and that employers will pay for†¦and construction fits the bill perfectly.† (David Bower 2007) CSV, the UK's largest volunteering and training charity is another organisation that has many Construction Training Centres around the country. Its main aim is to take on young people from the age of 16 and train them up in a construction field that interests them. The Training Centre on Hornsey Road is CSV Springboard Islington Trust's training facility and is helping to meet the demand from employer training needs arising as a result of the Kings Cross re-generation programme or the Olympics. The Islington training centre has three sectors in the area and alone provides learning for over 600 students (Sky-high salaries for airport construction workers 18/11/07). The main issue with the construction industry in the UK at the moment is that activity continues to rise at a rapid pace and with all the training schemes at the minute, not enough skilled craftsman and professional workman are coming out of it to keep up with the demand. There is a reported large number of craftsmen in the UK that don't have the qualifications that are required to work on the Olympic sites etc. Organisations such as Summit Skills are committed to helping provide the necessary qualifications to people with the skills but who have not finished an NVQ level 3 for instance. Students doing a construction course at schools or colleges will commonly do a full NVQ which includes gaining technical certificates and national vocational qualifications. Some of the courses involve training on-site to acquire the appropriate qualifications. The government has also addressed the issue for the need of more skilled labour by introducing new courses at schools and colleges. In 2008, a new diploma in construction and the built environment will be introduced. However many specialist diplomas and GCSE's will not be available until 2013. The other opportunities that are given to young people to work in construction are through the apprenticeship or scholarship schemes. Such schemes are usually offered directly from companies. It's often the best route for young people who do not have the appropriate background. The apprenticeship programme was introduced to the UK in 1994 (as modern apprenticeships). Apprenticeships give the student the opportunity to study at college to receive the required qualifications and do work based on the site on a part time basis. Apprentices earn while being in education and for most young people it is a very attractive prospect. It also gives a higher rate of employment for those that do it as the companies, for the majority of the time offer the person a full time job after they have completed their apprenticeship. But in the last couple of years, the numbers of apprenticeships have reduced as the interest for them has increased. With over 50,000 applications for 10,000 places (Olympic s hortfall 18/11/07), the traditional apprenticeship route cannot meet growing demand. However, to help overcome this problem, there are many colleges today that are involved with big construction companies making it easier for students to find the apprenticeship that interest them. In apprenticeships, the students are usually required to stay in education until they achieve a full NVQ before they are offered a full time job but a scholarship on the other hand requires the student to attend university either part time or full time in order to gain higher qualifications such as a degree to make them eligible for high skilled work afterwards. Scholarships are also offered usually directly from a company and offers to support the student financially by paying the tuition fees to the university and the company will often offer a the student work placement between their time at university to give them the required experience in the job. Although there is many efforts being done to overcome the shortage of skilled labour in the UK, it is still evident that yet more needs to be done to reduce the gap between the demand for skilled labour and the amount of trained personnel coming up every year. In the next five years, there is going to be an increase in activity for the UK construction industry and it is estimated that 87,600 new recruits (Financial Times Limited 2007 17/11/07) will be needed by the industry every year to cope with the work needed. I believe that in order to tackle this problem for the shortage of skilled labour in the UK, more efforts must be made concentrating on the source of the problem, the training of personal to meet the levels required by the industry. It is a fact that yet not enough programmes are being opened to help encourage young people to look for a career in construction and to educate and train them to the required levels. At the moment, the government is concentrating on opening new training centres in London because of the increasing work being made by the construction of the East London Olympic sites. However, training centres should be opened in more cities around the UK in the next few years to help train up as many people in as short time as possible to help overcome the shortage of required labour. I think that more training programmes should be done on development sites such as the Heathrow construction centres helping to train young people. I believe that such programmes help to train and educate a person on the job and give them the required skills in a short period of time. Other steps that can be taken is to introduce more specialized construction courses at schools and colleges to help encourage young people to choose a career in the construction field. At the moment, a successful example is the Construction and Built Environment Diploma which around 4000 people take every year (Construction Digital 17/11/07) Another step that can be taken is to encourage more construction companies to introduce more apprenticeships and scholarships to young people. This will attract more people to join the construction industry and will produce more high skilled labour to meet demands of the modern day. If the UK construction industry remains to be in the situation it is now with a huge shortage of skilled labour then the only solution left will be to bring in even more migrant workers from east European countries, such as Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, to fill gaps on building sites. This will in effect reduce the building standards and safety on the site just so companies can give out low wages and save costs. In reality, this is very likey to happen but the government will only apply it in a worst case scenerio to overcome the problem. Although it might not be possible to finish all these huge projects in the UK without aquiring the help from migrant workers, we could however train as many people as we can so that less workers from abroad are needed, making the UK construction industry stronger and more successful.

Moped-Room 101

The irritating high pitched whining going on in the back of your ear, going back and forth like a mosquito that needs to be swatted. These are the crippling parasites of today’s modern transport system, loud, slow and pathetically small. These are the major corruptions in today’s youth, not drugs or alcohol, but mopeds, we get taught in school about what harm drugs and alcohol can do, but not mopeds, can a shot of vodka cause your brains to come out of your ears? The only people who really ride mopeds are ‘chavs’ because ‘chavs’ have no real conception of respect and self-humiliation.Mopeds are poorly designed; the majority of mopeds fail on style, speed, and respect. Mopeds should be replaced with motorcycles, motorcycles have brakes, they have proper engines, and most importantly, they have style, strength and agility. People who ride mopeds on roads, like children who ride bicycles on pavements, deserve to be run over, not for pure hatred, a lthough that subconsciously plays a part in it, but for fun, if they choose to use an incomplete motorcycle they should be duly punished.They are loud and inconvenient to other people, causing pain in the ears, and sound pollution. Don’t buy a moped when your 16, buy a bus pass, then stick with it until your 21, old enough to ride a proper motorcycle and not a hairdryer. Mopeds are insolent, toe dragging scooters, which derived from a bicycle rider who was too lazy to pedal, but not brave enough to go fast. Mopeds are normally defined by limits on engine displacement, speed, power output, or transmissions, or by a requirement for pedals.In some countries, the legal driving age for a moped is lower than for larger motorcycles, and consequently mopeds are popular among the youth. Typically, mopeds are restricted to 30–85 km/h (18–53 mph) and engine displacement less than 50 cc. Any modification to the engine size to make it larger will cause it to be classified as a motorcycle, which will then increase tax, and allow the user to be criminally charged for driving without a license.Ask yourself this, do you respect moped owners? The answer will most likely be no, unless you own one yourself. If you were to be confronted by both a motorcyclist and a ‘mopeder’ who would you listen to, and move out the way for, 99% of` the time it would be the motorcyclist, this very simple question depicts the realistic social hierarchy from riding a moped. Helmets were designed to prevent injuries to the head, however, statistics say that most high speed rashes consist of a rider fatality, this is often at a speed of over 50mph and hit by a car going over 50mph also, thus theoretically meaning the crash was at 100mph. But, unfortunately, even though this is a sad statistic, all moped fatalities happen at under 53mph, and in the UK, 30mph. most are actually below that, more around the 5mph figure, where they attempt to do stunts, and end up falling off and breaking their necks. The other minorities are from being hit by another vehicle.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Conflict in Organization

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Conflict management refers on the way how we approach the other party in a conflict situation. There are main structural approaches such as emphasizing superordinate goals, reducing differentiation, improving communication and understanding, reducing task independence, increasing resources, and clarifying rules and procedures. Emphasizing Supeordinate Goals The first way to resolve the conflict is to seek and find the common goals. The emphasizing superordinate goals are common objectives held by conflicting parties that are more important than the department or individual goals on which the conflict is based.If the commitments to corporate wide goals increase, the employees will pay less attention to competing individual or departmental-level goals. So, it reduces their perceived conflict with co-workers. Besides that, they also can reduce the problem of incompatibility and differentiation by establishing a common frame of reference. For example, the most effecti ve executive teams frame their decision as superordinate goals that arise above each executive’s departmental or divisional goals. Reducing DifferentiationBesides that, another way for resolving conflict is to remove the sources of different values and beliefs that produce the conflict in the first place. When the employees think they have same backgrounds or experience with other workers, they will be more motivated to coordinate their activities and resolve the conflict. For example, move the employees to different jobs so that they come to depend on each others. Improving Communication and Understanding The third way to minimize the conflict involves by giving the conflict parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other. By aving the good communication, the employees can understand and appreciate each other’s views and opinions. It relates to contact hypothesis which is the more meaningful interaction we have with someone, the less we rely on ste reotypes to understand that person. There are two warnings. First, apply communication or understanding after reducing differentiation. For example, when we interact with people who are quite different and have conflict with us, we tend to select information that reinforces that view. So, communication and understanding interventions are most effective when differentiation is sufficiently low.Second, people in collectivist and high power distance cultures are less comfortable with the practice of resolving differences through open communication. People in Confucian cultures prefer an avoidance conflict management style since it is consistent with face saving and harmony. Furthermore, direct communication is high-risk because it threatens the harmony easily. Reducing Interdependence Another way to minimize dysfunctional conflict may involve reducing the level of interdependence between the parties. It can occur by dividing the shared sources so that each party has exclusive use part of it in different times.Sequentially, interdependence task may be combined so that they can form a pooled or shared interdependence. Furthermore, buffers also can help to reduce the interdependence level among people. It includes resources such as more inventories could be added between people who perform sequential tasks. The organizations use human buffers as people who serve as intermediaries between interdependent people or work units that do not get along through direct interaction. Increasing Resources The dysfunctional conflict also can be reduced by increasing the amount of resource available.It also refers by duplicating the resources so that can minimize the conflict. Corporate decision makers might dismiss this solution quickly because of the costs involved. Nevertheless, these costs with the costs of dysfunctional conflict that arise out of resource scarcity must be compared carefully. Clarifying Rules and Procedures Conflicts that arise from unclear and ambiguous can b e resolved through establishing rules and procedures. This strategy has been applied by Armstrong World Industries, Inc. , when consultants and information system employees clashed while working together on development of a client-server network.Moreover, the rules establish the changes of interdependence. For example, employee’s work hours or a supplier’s order fulfillment. RESOLVING CONFLICT THROUGH NEGOTIATION Negotiation is the process whereby two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence. In the other meaning, people negotiate when discussion can meet satisfaction and resolution in their exchange of goods and services. For example, the employees negotiate with supervisors over next month’s work assignment. Bargaining Zone Model of NegotiationsBargaining zone means the process of negotiation moves each party along a continuum an area of potential overlap. It can be applied to situati ons in which both sides potentially gain from the negotiations. There are three main points of this model. First, the initial-offer point is the team’s opening offer to the other party. Second, the target point is the team’s realistic goal or expectation for a final agreement. Third, the resistance point is the point beyond which the team will not make further concessions. Negotiation begins with describing the initial-offer point for each item on the plan.Besides that, in the win-lose situations, neither the target nor resistance point is revealed to the other party. If the parties have a win-win situation, the objective is to find a creative solution that keeps both parties close to their initial-offer points. Situational Influences on Negotiations Both the situation and the behaviors of negotiators are the effectiveness of negotiating. There are four important situational factors such as location, physical setting, time and audience. First, location is easier to neg otiate as we are common with the negotiating environment and are able to maintain comfortable routines.It is also no need to depend on others for resources during negotiation. Second, the physical distance between the parties and formality of the setting can influence their orientation with each other. Sometimes, people who sit face-to-face tend to develop a win-lose orientation toward the situation. Third, the longer time in negotiations can lead to stronger commitment in reaching a solution. For example, the more time people put in negotiation, the stronger the tendency to make unwarranted concessions. So that, the negotiation is going to be succeed.Time deadlines are a liability in negotiation which it is useful to motivate people to complete it. Lastly, most negotiators have the audiences. They can be anyone that is interested in the negotiation outcomes. For examples are executives, other team members, or general public. The negotiators tend to be more competitive and less will ing to make concessions when the audience has the direct observation towards the proceedings. Negotiator Skills The negotiator skills are important in resolving conflict arise. Four of most important skills are setting goals, gathering information, communicating effectively, and making concessions.Firstly, negotiators should prepare for the negotiation and set goals. They also should think carefully through their initial-offer, target and resistance points. If the negotiation fails, they need to consider alternative strategies. Besides that, they need to check their underlying assumptions as well as goods and values. Secondly, in order to gather the information, negotiators should spend more time listening to the other party and asking the details. Thirdly, effective negotiators communicate in a way to maintain strong relationships between parties. They also will avoid irritating statements.Furthermore, they are masters of persuasion so that it is accepted by others. Lastly, making concessions are important because they enable the parties to move toward the area of potential agreement, symbolize each party’s motivation to bargain in good faith, and tell others about the importance of negotiating items. THIRD-PARTY CONFLICT RESOLUTION Third-party conflict resolution is any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences. Procedural fairness is important when the third party makes a binding decision to resolve the dispute.There are three types of third-party resolution activities, which are arbitration, inquisition, and mediation. Arbitration is the final stage of grievances by unionized employees, and is becoming more common in nonunion conflicts. The arbitrators have high control over the final decision but low control over process. They will decide the outcome of a dispute between two parties. Besides that, executives engage in this strategy by following previous agreed-on-rules of due process, making a binding deci sion and listening to arguments from the dispute parties.Inquisitors control all discussion about the conflict and choose the form of conflict resolution. They have high decision control and high process control. They generally the conflict resolution process and enforce a resolution that they perceive to be the most appropriate. There are important ways to limit the collaborative problem solving process. First, they generally operate on assumptions of the problem and the relevant information in solving the problem. Second, they limit the information that they gather to the information they specifically request from disputants. As a result, inquisitors make quick decisions to resolve conflicts.Mediators have high control over the intervention process. Their main purpose is to manage the process and context of interaction between the dispute parties. However, the parties make the final decision about how to resolve their differences. So, mediators have little or no control over the c onflict resolution decision. There are several things mediators need to do to increase the likelihood of successful mediation such as suggest alternatives, prepare to invest time and effort, and insist on a detailed action plan. On the other hand, the mediation is hard work and time consuming. CHOOSING THE BEST THIRD-PARTY INTERVENTION STRATEGYResearch suggests that people in positions of authority usually adopt an inquisitional approach which is they dominate the intervention process as making a binding decision. The inquisition approach is preferred by manager because it is consistent with the decision-oriented nature of managerial jobs, tends to resolve the disputes efficiently, and gives them control over the conflict process and outcome. Conversely, this approach is usually least effective in organizational settings. The problem is leaders who take in an inquisitional role be likely to collect the limited information about the problem.Besides that, the employees often view inqu isitional procedures and outcomes as unfair. The most appropriate of third-party resolution in organizations depends on the situation such as the type of disputes, the culture values and the relationship between the managers and employees. However in general speaking, the mediation approach is the best because it gives employees more responsibility for resolving their own disputes. It also offers the highest level of employee satisfaction with the conflict process and outcome. References http://www. wright. edu/~scott. williams/LeaderLetter/mediation. htm

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nora in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” Essay

Throughout history, the role of gender equality has been viewed with varying degrees of importance by societies. People are quick to identify and label a ‘rebel’ as the one who goes against all the moral convictions and different ‘normalities’ of each society. The definition of rebel is listed as â€Å"someone or something that resists any authority or control. † In the context of society, the control which is resisted by the rebel can be no other than the stereotypes of that particular society, a feature which can be directly linked to the oppression of women and their desires and aspirations under standardised conditions and circumstances. Can the rebellious attitudes of women be condemned, ignoring the discontent of these women? Also, should their happiness become repressed, giving way to self-sacrifice and the forfeiting of their desires? It is these issues which Medea and Nora are faced with, and in each case we can see that their decision to go against the stereotypes of the eras are perhaps indicative of the predominance of their own desires and dreams over the notion of self-sacrifice. Thus we can see that both Medea and Nora can be characterised as rebels against the societies they live in. To begin with, Nora has fit into her society quite appropriately. She has married Torvald Helmer, and has three small children. She fulfills her duties as mother and wife with no apparent constraints from happiness. She does indeed thrive on keeping her home as best she can with the limited money she has at her disposal. One example of this is where she has bought Christmas presents for Torvald, all of her children, and even the maids; however she buys nothing for herself. 1 She endures Torvald’s condescending stance towards her, and does not retaliate when he criticizes both her and her father by saying that Nora is â€Å"just like your father – always on the look-out for all the money you can get, but the moment you have it, it seems to slip through your fingers†¦ â€Å"2 The impression we are left with after these first pages is that of Nora being extremely nai ve, and having to be put in her place by Helmer, who does so almost instinctively.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Different cultures Essay

In the past, different cultures have been developing in various ways and in different parts of the world. These cultures have been influencing the living styles of various nations in the world. It is now very important that different countries be grouped according to their cultural beliefs and civilization e. g. European communities will share those cultures which will differentiate them from those people who are coming from China or Africa. It is believed that those cultural differences of people in the world will clash based on where and how an individual was civilized. This is mainly the ‘clash of civilization’, the concept of Harvard professor Samuel Huntington. This is because people from different parts have ways on which they were civilized and they have different views on the way they view about life,the way they relate to one another and on their various religious beliefs. †We have moved into a world in which ‘civilisation’, some seven or eight of them, and defined much as Arnold Toynbee and some other scholars defined them in the first half of this century,are the building blocks of the new world order† Huntington added. Also most people these days are traveling a lot and therefore the interaction between people from different parts of the world and of different civilization is increasing. These interactions of different people from different civilizations has increased the awareness that this kind of difference in culture exists all over the world, Africa immigration will generate hostility when they settle on European or Asian nations. This is typically due to the clash in their culture. A country whose culture is completely different from another has a problem in investing in a foreign land as compared to those other rivals in the same land. This is because most countries fear to give investment license or such countries due to different ways in their cultural beliefs. The process of economic development and socialization has also resulted in the clash on the ways people live. Samuel Huntington once said†,Pattern of trade will be decisively influnced by pattern of culture†. The different religious beliefs in most of the different cultures is an example of this. We find that there are various types of religions in the world today. These are Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. Another reason which brought about the clash in different culture was the way in which people in different parts of the world viewed about civilization. Many communities found civilization rather hard to adopt because it had other believes and cultures which clashed with their original beliefs. This made different communities to quit the idea of civilization of adopting the western culture and replacing it with their original beliefs. De-westernization has therefore been seen in many non-western countries. ( http://www. bintjbeil. com/articles/en/d-huntington. html). The cultural beliefs of people originating from different parts of the world are very hard to adopt to the same culture unlike other things such as economic and political ones. This is because cultural beliefs of more than two nations are not compatible, rather they are clashing. For example a political system of one country can be adopted by another country but the religious issues are far more complex to be adopted form one country to anothere. g. Muslims are very hard to change and start believing in Christianity but they will be very easily convinced to accept to change and adopt other country’s leadership styles. People of the same civilization have also been known to spur economic growth. This has mostly been witnessed in Europe, East Asia and North America. The development of the nations living in this regions usually is because these people have the same civilization and almost the same beliefs in terms of their culture and their social lifestyles. A country like Japan on the other hand who entirely have different civilization has faced a lot of hurdles in their economic development. Their lifestyles and its cultural beliefs have been known to be clashing with that of its neighbors and therefore making it hard for them to get a business partner with the same interests and beliefs. Thus reducing the rate of their growth. (Ghost, 2003) Yes Huntington’s point of view is supported. This is because there are numerous conflicting issues on people living in different parts of the world today. Huntington described an era in which people everywhere define themselves in cultural terms, ‘ a world in which cultural identities are central’. There is a pre-dominant clash of ideas between the religious communities. This is because there is a split between the western Christianity, Orthodox and the Muslims. These difference are traced to have occurred in the year 1500. There were cultural lines which were traced to have been the source to the different cultural belief of these communities. The people who were living to the west and the north of the line were protestant and others were Catholics. They were economically well of than those who were living to the East. The differences and the conflict of various issues between western and Islamic civilization has been going on for almost 140 years. This was mainly due to the attempt by the westerners to introduce Christianity in the Islamic region which faced a lot of oppositions mainly because various issues regarding the beliefs and norms of Muslims culture were conflicting with those of the Christians. The relationships existing between Japan and America has of late worsened so much. This is mainly due to the culture differences which will result to economic conflicts. The attitudes, and the way people relate to each other between the two societies are very mush different. As compared to the European nations, the economic issue between United States and Japan are very serious. This is because the economic difference in culture between United States and the European nations is far much less as compared to those of Japan civilization. Japanese civilization is very much different because their geographical location is far away as compared to the geographical location dividing America from European nations. This has resulted to a very different type of culture being developed in Japan which on the other hand conflict with that of Americans. ( Edwards, & Glover, 2001). According to Huntington, ‘East Asian economic success has its source in East Asian culture’. Culture and civilization have also influenced economies of various countries. Chinese economy ha been enormously growing within the last 15 years than that of Japan. These growth in the China’s economy has been a result of almost the same culture and civilization china enjoyed with its immediate neighbors. Unlike Japan who did not have some cultural resemblance with other nations, china had almost the same cultural beliefs with most of the developing nations in Asia. These countries include Taiwan-which are very much advanced in technological issues, Hong Kong – which is known for the creativity and marketing strategies, Singapore –which is very rich in communication technology. All these three have the same civilization as that of China and therefore they can understand each other in terms of being trading partners, carrying out investment and also respecting each others religious beliefs. (Murshed, 2002) The increase in population among the various countries in the world has resulted to the migration of people. This has mainly occurred in countries particular those living in the Northern part of Africa. The communities living in these parts are then forced to move to western Europe. This movement has resulted to development of other cultures in these countries. These then leads to instability in the normal social life of the citizens in the country both religiously and culturally. The results might be emergence of racism which might cause violence in the country. Reference: Edwards, Rusalind & Glover Judith. Risk and Citizenship: key issues in welfare. New York. Routledge, 2001. Ghost, B. N. Contemporary issues in Development Economics. New York. Routledge, 2003 The clash of civilizations. Samuel Huntington. September 1993. Bint Jbeil. 22/10/2007.